
Flowering trees in PennsylvaniaThe PBDA is engaged in preparing two statewide plans: a 5-Year Action Plan for universal broadband service and a Digital Equity Plan. Both plans are funded through planning grants made available by the National Telecommunications and Infrastructure Administration (NTIA) and are being developed in collaboration to establish a comprehensive, successful, and sustainable path to connect all Pennsylvanians to digital opportunities.

Announcement: Pennsylvania Broadband Development Authority Approves Comprehensive Five-Year Action Plan To Expand Access Across the Commonwealth

Details on NTIA’s allocation to each state is available here. The allocation for Pennsylvania is $1,161,778,272.41

Nice write-up on PASDEC, published  August 30, 2023

As part of their effort to ensure equitable connectivity for all Pennsylvanians, the PBDA has launched a public survey to hear from residents across Pennsylvania. Your participation is valued and necessary to help guide where upcoming funding should be focused to meet your needs, and the needs of your community. We also ask that you share this out with your networks for response.

The survey is open and will only take 10-15 minutes to complete.

The PBDA released their Stakeholder Engagement Plan, held a public comment period from February 27—March 10, 2023, and held public meetings in March.

News articles on digital equity in Pennsylvania: